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Maximizing Ecommerce

Nov 28, 2019

A positive entrepreneurial mindset can often be the difference between finding success and failing. Most entrepreneurs know that running a business isn’t easy. It requires hard work, sacrifice, positivity, and knowing what you want. Do you know what drives you? Do you understand what is required of you to reach your goals? Joel Bower joins Kevin in this episode of Maximizing Ecommerce to talk about the mindsets that will drive you towards success.

Joel knew from a young age that he wanted to own his own business someday. He had the drive and ambition necessary to dive in and figure out the direction he wanted to take. He’s working in many niches, including tech, travel and even door-to-door sales before landing on marketing. He’s passionate about helping other entrepreneurs learn how to reach their goals. Listen to this episode for his process!

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:35] All about mindset
  • [3:35] Where Joel got his start
  • [7:15] What drives someone?
  • [9:15] What separates the success from the failures?
  • [12:30] How do you figure out what you want?
  • [16:55] How do you know if you’re on the right path
  • [19:45] The difference between purpose and passion
  • [29:55] How to find the broken pieces in your process
  • [38:45] What things could you offload now?
  • [43:05] Exercise: Vision for the future
  • [45:50] Action steps to figure out what you want
  • [49:30] Connect with Joel

How do you figure out what you want? 

Joel points out that new entrepreneurs tend to do things in two phases. The first phase is following the trail that’s been blazed for you—doing what has worked for everyone else. It’s easy to learn the business when you can pattern what you do after successful people. But you need to take that, and turn it into a business that works for the life that you want. 

There is no perfect answer and the right path is constantly changing. 

Joel believes the best way to decide your path for the future is by choosing something that lights you up. What brings you joy? Where do you see your business going? Read about successful entrepreneurs, get enmeshed in entrepreneurial communities, and surround yourself with like-minded people to help you get in the right mindset. 

Constantly move in the direction of your dreams, even if it means taking a path that isn’t linear. 

There is a difference between purpose and passion

Joel noted that people often confuse passion and purpose. They’re stuck in this belief that whatever you’re passionate about is what your purpose is supposed to be. They’re wrong. Your purpose is being who you are—your character, your personality. Passion is something that excites you, but passion is fleeting. 

Happiness and passion are constantly changing and in flex.

Often, people find that when they pursue a goal and finally reach it, they realize they found more happiness in the journey. It is the progress, the challenge, the growth that leads to happiness and fulfillment. That is part of the joy of being an entrepreneur. 

Joel helps others find their passions by means so simple that it’s astounding more people don’t realize it. Do your job. Entrench yourself in the day-to-day of your business and learn the ins and outs. You find out what makes you miserable and therefore narrow down what you enjoy. 

Maximizing the entrepreneurial mindset: learn to let go

When your business is your “baby” and you’ve been working in it for so long, it’s hard to take a step back. But you can only do everything for so long and eventually you will need to share some responsibility. Find someone to come alongside you and begin to take over the things that you despise (or don’t excel at). 

As you begin to build a team of competent people, you have to learn to let go.

They may only work at 80% of the expertise level that you’ve attained. You may feel as if you’re the glue holding everything together. Joel advises leaving for a few days and going on a vacation. Those few days will show you the broken pieces in your system. You’ll learn what needs to be changed or what systems/processes need to be in place. 

Kevin and Joel talk more about building the right team, how to interview and hire, and what tasks you can offload to someone else. Don’t miss it!

Action steps to find a vision for your future

Joel has a fun exercise that he likes to run through with entrepreneurs. You sit down for 15-20 minutes and write down a plan for the future of your business. What do you want it to look like in one year? How do you want the business to perform? What do you want your staff and employees to learn? You then take this lengthy list and look at what is possible to obtain in one year. 

This process allows you to begin to lay out the skills, tools, and systems needed to get to where your vision for the future is. You can add reasonable time limits to obtain goals. Rate each item on your list with the level of excitement you have about it (on a scale from 1-10). Then break it down into the THREE things that light you up inside. 

Shift your focus to what you can implement immediately to begin reaching those goals. It changes your mindset and allows you to think positively about the future of your business. 

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Joel Bower

Connect With Kevin Sanderson